
Welcome to this website, the home for The Growth of Love Study Pack.

Keith & Ruth WhiteSince 1976 my wife Ruth and I have lived with hurting children and young people.

The name of our home is Mill Grove. It has been our family home for four generations, and since 1899 over 1000 children have come to live with us. We have tried to find ways of understanding the stories, experiences, feelings, needs, gifts, resilience of these children, and The Growth of Love describes something of what we have discovered.

Spend time looking through this website and see how The Growth of Love has emerged as a recurring theme in our living and working amongst children.

The Study Pack for the Growth of Love is a flexible tool enabling you to study, learn, reflect upon, share and experience the growth of love in your own life and the lives of children whom you serve.

However you connect with children: whether as a parent, teacher, carer, friend, nurse, doctor, or coach my hope is that the book will help you to see how love is growing and how you can help it to grow.

Keith White.